Hackney Council has decided to grant planning permission for the development of the south side of Gillett Square, jeopardising the livelihood of small independent businesses.

The application was granted with the following conditions:
- enlarged bin store and public w.c. facility must be installed on Gillett Square
- temporary retail pods shall be installed and fitted out prior to the demolition of the existing retail pods. They shall be removed within 18 months of their first use or prior to the use of the permanent retail pods hereby approved, whichever is earlier.
- must comply strictly with submitted plans and conditions
- all materials and design details, and in particular the cladding material, must be approved
- cycle parking will be provided, and the type, design and location of bike racks will be submitted and approved before works commence
- the roof terrace on the ‘drum building’ shall be used only between the hours of 09:00 and 18:30 on weekdays, and not at all on weekends and public holidays
- the development shall not be occupied until a detailed Delivery and Servicing Management Plan has been submitted and approved
- no development shall take place until a detailed Demolition and Construction Management Plan has been submitted and approved
- bird and bat boxes shall be implemented prior to occupation of the development
so as to provide potential habitat for local wildlife - Gillett Square shall be made good to its previous condition as recorded in the condition survey
- principles and practices of the ‘Secured by Design’ scheme shall be submitted to and approved prior to works
Full conditions and details bellow:
1. The development hereby permitted must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.
Reason: In order to comply with the provisions of Section 91(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. SCB1 – Commencement Within Five Years
2. The Development hereby permitted shall only be carried out and completed strictly in accordance with the submitted plans hereby approved and any subsequent approval of details.
REASON: To ensure that the development hereby permitted is carried out in full accordance with the plans hereby approved.SCB0 – Development only in accordance with Submitted Plans
3. Notwithstanding the details shown on the plans and documents hereby approved, full particulars of the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the relevant part of the development. The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the details thus approved. -On site mock up-panel of all external cladding material and window details that demonstrate how the proposed materials visually appear together as a composition along with the interface between different materials -Material samples of all external details, including cladding and details of internal framing -1:20 Typical Wall Sections -1:20 details of main entrances -1:20 of glazed façade and roof lights to the office accommodation
REASON: To ensure that the external appearance of the building is satisfactory and does not detract from the character and visual amenity of the area. [Note that the Planning Sub-Committee has requested that these details be referred to them for decision.]SCM2 – Materials to be Approved
4. Notwithstanding the details shown on the approved document ‘Design and Access Statement February 2018’ full details of the enlarged bin store/public w.c. facility shall be submitted to the local planning authority for approval prior to the first use of the development hereby approved. The Bin Store/W.C. shall be built in strict accordance with the details as approved and shall be retained as such thereafter.
REASON: In order to secure a facility of an adequate quality and functionality. [Note that the Planning Sub-Committee has requested that these details be referred to them for decision.]
5. Prior to the demolition of the existing retail pods, full details of the temporary retail pods/seating structure to be located on the northern side of the square shall be submitted to the local planning authority for approval. The retail pods shall be installed and fitted out prior to the demolition of the existing retail pods. The retail pods shall be removed within 18 months of their first use or prior to the use of the permanent retail pods hereby approved, whichever is earlier.
REASON: In order to facilitate the long term redevelopment of Gillett Square. [Note that the Planning Sub-Committee has requested that these details be referred to them for decision.]
6. The roof terrace hereby approved on the ‘drum building’ shown on the approved plan DWG_00_203_p1 shall be used only between the hours of 09:00 and 18:30 on weekdays, and not at all on weekends and public holidays.
REASON: In order to protect the privacy of neighbouring properties.
7. The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until a detailed Delivery and Servicing Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Delivery and Servicing to the site shall only be carried out in accordance with the details thus approved, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To avoid hazard and obstruction being caused to users of the public highway and in the interest of public safety and amenity.
8. No development shall take place until a detailed Demolition and Construction Management Plan covering the matters set out below has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Transport for London. The development shall only be implemented in accordance with the details and measures approved as part of the demolition and construction management plan, which shall be maintained throughout the entire construction period. a) A demolition and construction method statement covering all phases of the development to include details of all noise and vibration (including noise from ancillary or temporary power supplies, details and locations of noisy activities including mobile plant machinery) and details of the best practicable means of mitigation employed against noise and vibration in accordance with British Standard Code of Practice BS5228 and measures to preserve air quality (including a risk assessment of the demolition and construction phase); b) A detailed demolition and construction logistics plan to include the following: the construction programme/ timescales; the number/frequency and size of construction vehicles; construction traffic route; location of deliveries.
REASON: In order to mitigate against construction impacts on neighbouring properties, Gillett Square and the public highway.
9. Details, including justification of proposed quantum, of bird and bat, specifically swift and house sparrow, boxes shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved birds and bat box details shall be implemented in accordance with the approved plans, prior to occupation of the development hereby approved
REASON: To provide potential habitat for local wildlife, in line with the recommendations of the submitted habitat survey.
10. Prior to the commencement of above ground works for the temporary retail pods, full details of temporary line markings, signage and other measures necessary to mitigate against impacts on the function of the retained car park spaces shall be submitted to the local planning authority for approval. The scheme shall be carried out prior to the first use of the temporary retail pods and shall be retained until the removal of the temporary retail pods.
REASON: In order to mitigate against impacts on the function of the adjacent car park.
11. Prior to the commencement of development a full condition survey of Gillet Square shall be carried out and submitted to the Local Planning Authority. Prior to the first use of the permanent development hereby approved Gillet Square shall be made good to its previous condition as recorded in the condition survey.
REASON: In order to mitigate against impacts on the quality of the public realm during the construction phase.
12. Prior to the First use of the permanent development hereby approved, full details of the internal cycle parking proposed, including the type, design and location of bike racks, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for Approval. The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the details as approved and shall be retained as such thereafter.
REASON: In order to make proper provision for cycle parking.
13. Prior to the commencement of above ground works details of the measures to be incorporated into the development demonstrating how the principles and practices of the ‘Secured by Design’ scheme have been included shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Once approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Metropolitan Police Designing Out Crime Officers, the development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed details.
REASON: In the interest of creating safer, sustainable communities.
If you wish to view all documentation (including full decision notice) for this application and the case officers’ report, please visit www.hackney.gov.uk/planning, and search using application number 2018/0792 .